Name: Marie Amelie NTIGULIRWA
Age: 24 years old.
Hometown: Nyamirambo and it is where I have been living since I was born.
I like: music (singing and listening), reading and arranging things in a new way. I like change.
I don't like: people who talk at somebody else's back and I really don't like people who are bad with little children.
Why I choose architecture: I chose to study architecture because since my secondary school I was interested in house construction, how it is done and mostly I was interested in the interior making of a home.
My idea of Architecture and Rwanda: is that as a small and developing country, Rwanda has potential that other countries don't have. We all have the same culture, we speak the same language and by looking on their faces, all Rwandese believe in change. I think what is good for Rwanda is the Architecture of change. This doesn't mean that we have to change our way of life, hell no! We have to change the Architecture that other people are imposing on us and make an Architecture that match with our culture, our way of living and our way of doing things; The Architecture of Rwanda.
Amazing I believe in your dream and driving force. For sure you are the light at the end of the tunnel in design.All the best and keep the goals up there.
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